Current Offerings
Make A Winning Story
Lunch n Learn Series
Join the Map Shop in preparing your submission for the 2024 ArcGIS StoryMap Competition, hosted by Esri Inc. Use your unique talents — from cartography and data analysis to photography and design — to tell your story with ArcGIS StoryMaps. The Map Shop is helping UVic students prepare for the annual competition by hosting a series of Lunch N Learns focused on StoryMap development. From cartography tips, StoryMap tricks, and learning how to make your stories pop - there is something for everyone.
The Lunch and Learns are hosted by the 2021 ArcGIS StoryMap Winner, Leah Fulton, a current PhD Student in the Department of Geography, who won with their story, The Tale of Lost Fishing Gear.

Cartography: The Good, Bad and The Ugly
October 18th, 11:30-12:30pm, DTB B315
StoryMaps 101
November 1st, 11:30-12:30pm, DTB B315
Interactive Mapping and Geovisualization
November 29th, 11:30-12:30pm, DTB B315
Ongoing Volunteer Positions
Community Mapping Catologuing Assistant(s)
The role of the Community Mapping Archival Assistant will be to work with the Map Shop Coordinator to develop a collection of the physical community maps that are used for community mapping classes based on a protocol developed by the library.
This project is a great opportunity to gain some experience working with GIS.
Student Engagement and Outreach Assistant
The role of the student engagement and outreach assistant will be to manage the Map Shop social media account, as well as continue collaborations for Community Mapping projects with clubs at the University of Victoria.
Historical Maps Georeferencing Project
UVic's collection contains hundreds of historical maps. We are in the process of georeferencing (associating geographic coordinates with the map images) these maps so that they can be used in Geographic Information Systems. This will allow UVic students, faculty, and community members to use these historical maps in research and education projects. This project is a great opportunity to gain some experience working with GIS.